Find your something
We grouped all the region’s attractions into five themes that matched audience interests based on extensive research: History, Nature, Boutique Shopping, Farm Experiences and Adventure These themes, along with a masterbrand positioning that encompassed all five, were used to develop targeted digital content marketing encouraging consumers to explore their personal interests in the Wollondilly by following the path of one of our pre-mapped themed day trip itineraries: Find Your Something.
Film, outdoor, and print featured stunning tourism photography that showed people exploring each location to inspire consumers to visit for themselves.
Online content and social media were strategically developed and deployed in a bespoke model that targeted (and retargeted) individuals en masse based on their geo-location, social data, cookies, and keywords matching the five themes to maximise reach.
All assets drove online traffic to www.visitwollondilly.com.au, where we built thematic landing pages that included pre-mapped day trip itineraries, which were easily transferred to mobile devices.
We also developed a podcast of five themed series, with each episode being a fun and interesting explanation of each point of interest along the path of that themed day trip. Visitors were encouraged to listen to the podcast on their way to the Dilly or while exploring each location to provide a richer, more immersive experience.
We grouped all the region’s attractions into five themes that matched audience interests based on extensive research: History, Nature, Boutique Shopping, Farm Experiences and Adventure
These themes, along with a master-brand positioning that encompassed all five, were used to develop targeted digital content marketing encouraging consumers to explore their personal interests in the Wollondilly by following the path of one of our pre-mapped themed day trip itineraries: Find Your Something.
Film, outdoor, and print featured stunning tourism photography that showed people exploring each location to inspire consumers to visit for themselves.
Online content and social media were strategically developed and deployed in a bespoke model that targeted (and retargeted) individuals en masse based on their geo-location, social data, cookies, and keywords matching the five themes to maximise reach.
All assets drove online traffic to www.visitwollondilly.com.au, where we built thematic landing pages that included pre-mapped day trip itineraries, which were easily transferred to mobile devices.
We also developed a podcast of five themed series, with each episode being a fun and interesting explanation of each point of interest along the path of that themed day trip. Visitors were encouraged to listen to the podcast on their way to the Dilly or while exploring each location to provide a richer, more immersive experience.